sight seeing / wien

トラムや電車でのウィーン市内周遊 / Tram & Train

There is the information counter in the Vienna Central Station. You can get the leaflet which made by several languages such as English, Japanese, Chinese. Please find this counter first after you arrived to Wien/Vienna.


You can buy the "VIENNA CITY CARD" by 24H/48H/72H. It is very convenient card because you can take subway, bus and Tram by this. When you take the bus or tram or subway or train in the first time, please insert the machine and punch in the back side of ticket.

まずはVIENNA CITY CARDを購入しましょう。これはバス、地下鉄、トラムに乗り放題の大変便利なチケットです。最初の1駅目の改札で刻印機で利用開始時間の刻印(刻印機に挟み込むだけ)を押したら、その後は改札で何もせずになんでも乗れます。裏面のピンクのところに刻印してください。

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